When it comes to computer viruses, Mac users have a definite advantage over their Windows using counterparts. This fact has been of little comfort however over the past week. The now infamous SoBig.f virus has become one of the fastest spreading computer viruses in history and clogs the inboxes of both PC and Mac users alike.
The IF workers have been hit hard by this nasty little bug – the webmaster account has gotten an average of 150 infected emails an hour. All this from PC users who have added our email addresses to their address books and not bothered to use anti-virus software. Needless to say we’re frustrated. What really tops the cake however are all of the secondary messages coming from anti-virus gateways and system administrators telling us “You have a virus, you need to disinfect your computer”. If these guys were really experts, they would realize that sender’s addresses are being spoofed and replying to these infected messages just adds insult to injury. We’ll continue to filter our messages as we ride out the storm, and if you use a PC, we beg you to clean your system!