The Breakroom

The Year In Review

January 5, 2004

By Webmaster


Well, we’re back from the holiday break today. We’re rested, refreshed and ready to let the creative juices flow once again. Moving forward into 2004 gives us pause to look back on just what the workers managed to accomplish back in 2003. Last year, the workers managed to design and produce 33 all-new icon sets. That comes to 662 freeware icons for your pleasure. Compare that with just 12 new sets in 2002 and we hope you can see that we’re working hard to make the factory a place you’ll want to visit again and again. And thanks to “New Icon Tuesdays”, 2004 promises even more icon sets, plus all new software, iPulse jackets, and more. Lastly, our annual icon design contest, Pixelpalooza starts next month. Things are heating up folks, we hope you’ll stick around and see what develops. Onward ho!