The Breakroom

Blame It On Steve!

January 4, 2005

By Webmaster


As you may have read here last week, the workers were planning on attending the MacWorld Keynote address at our local Apple store today. However, since a certain CEO we all know seems to have become upset with all of the recent rumor mongering on the web, the web broadcast of the keynote speech will now be delayed for up to nine hours! This reminds us of the kid on the playground who takes his ball so the others can’t play, and its too bad.

Needless to say, since we were planning on being in Durham today, there will be no freeware icon release this week. Besides, we didn’t want to take the lime light away from other great companies previewing cool stuff at MacWorld, like our good friends at Panic. At any rate, we’ll see what Steve has in store for all of us, and hopefully it will be a sunny day in the school yard next time around!