“Good morning, Mr. Phelps.” It’s one of the most recognized lines of dialogue in TV history – the opening phrase of each weekly episode of Mission: Impossible. This much-loved television series featured the adventures of the “Impossible Missions Force”, a select group of covert agents using every trick in the book to prove the show’s title wrong! It ran from 1966 to 1973, spawning a revival series in the 80’s and three feature films to date! It’s an enduring favorite, and proof that television fare can be intelligent as well as exciting. Resident artist Dave Brasgalla, like many others, watched and loved the show growing up, and now he’s created an Aqua-style icon tribute to Bruce Geller’s innovative creation!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to download these ultra-cool desktop icons – and once you’ve selected your team, send them to Dave’s personal site, Pixelhuset, to retrieve the matching desktop. As always, should you or any member of your I.M. force be caught or IP-logged, Dave will disavow any knowledge of your actions.
Update: In what might be a strange cosmic coincidence, the first season of the original Mission: Impossible! television show will be released December 5th on DVD, and is now available for pre-order at Amazon.com. Go get it!