Whether you stood in line at your local Apple store or waited patiently for the FedEx man to arrive, you’ve got your shiny new copy of Leopard in hand and are in the process of upgrading. Here’s what you can expect from our software
IconBuilder – Now that we’re no longer under NDA, we’re happy to announce that IconBuilder is able to build the new 512×512 Leopard icons. In fact, it can do so even while running on Tiger. It remains our primary tool for doing freeware and client work, so you’ll find that it’s quite at home on the new OS.
Pixadex – Work continues to bring this application up to speed on Leopard. You’ll find that the current version works OK, but can’t handle the new icon sizes. That will change in November.
Twitterrific – The current version of our wildly popular Twitter client has some minor display issues while running on Leopard. We are currently doing a private beta test on a new version and hope to open that beta to the public sometime next week.
Frenzic, xScope and iPulse – We’re not aware of any problems with these applications. If you find something that doesn’t work right, please get in contact with us. Thanks!
So there you have it—hope you’re enjoying our cool software on the big new cat!