The Breakroom

Happy Halloween!

October 27, 2009

By Webmaster

Our annual month long countdown to All Hallows Eve is nearly over and we hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have. We will soon be storing the cobwebs and stylesheets in their bright orange plastic bins for another year but have one last ghastly offering for you. We present a spooky collection of goodies from everyone on the factory floor. Today’s new icon set includes images from classic to gruesome to cute. In addition Louie has created a wallpaper tribute to Disney’s Haunted Mansion for your computer desktop and iPhone/iPod touch. And Kate adds a Quickpix icon as a final sugary topping for our 2009 Halloween celebration.

Before you don your costumes be sure to grab our scary Ramp Champ Add-On packs, Dave’s lycanthropic wallpaper and Mindy’s cute but creepy Skelanimals icons if you haven’t already. Everyone be careful out there and may your Trick or Treat baskets overflow with king-size candy bars!