The Breakroom

“An army of nightmares? Let’s get this party started.”

October 15, 2013

By Webmaster


As we approach our favorite holiday, the time has come once again for us to rise from the dead and rearrange our pixels into something a little more appropriate for the season.

This month, as you gather supplies to fight off the zombie hordes and vampire covens, keep a lookout for our new insidious icon sets and diabolical desktop wallpapers. Be sure to visit our Dribbble page for some perilous previews of these Hallowe’en favors, and don’t forget to also check out our haunted staff page, where our employees have undergone their yearly transformation into denizens of the night.

Today we’re releasing three new desktop wallpapers to start off our celebration of the supernatural and macabre. Kate England’s Halloween Glow is full of festive colors for the fall season, and Mindy Weaver brings us Kou and Moka, featuring characters from the popular anime series, Rosario+Vampire. All three of these offerings are available in sizes perfect for adorning your Mac, iPad or iPhone. Head on over to the freeware page to get into the holiday spirit today!

Our mad scientists are hard at work, cranking out more tricks and treats to keep the season festive, so keep checking back with us to see our latest spooky, scary additions. In the meantime, enjoy a few creatures from our past, and have a Happy Halloween!

The New Favicon

The SVG icon used for pinned tabs in Safari 9 presents unique challenges for web designers. Learn a few tips and tricks as we examine how we handled those challenges in our revision of the Iconfactory favicon.