The Breakroom

Linea Loves Inktober

September 25, 2019

By Webmaster

The official Inktober prompt list for 2019

It’s that time of year when artists the world over take up their pens, pencils, brushes, and digital styluses and participate in Inktober. Started by illustrator and animator Jake Parker in 2014, Inktober encourages people to draw 31 drawings in 31 days, one for each day in October.

People share their drawings on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and encourage others to join in the ink-laden fun. As of September 2019 Inktober had over 500k followers on Instagram with people contributing hundreds of new posts every day!

Digital drawing apps like Linea Sketch for the iPad make participating in Inktober easy and fun and this year we’re taking it a step further. We’ve created a set of free downloadable templates that you can easily import into Linea Sketch.

These templates are broken out by pages and numbered to contain the prompt for that particular day’s drawing. The templates are great for those who like to have a uniform set of drawings for the entire month of Inktober or who want to stay tight and focused on their daily creations.

Linea’s Inktober templates are completely free, easy to set up, and should quickly get you on your way to joining in on the inking fun. Check out our short video tutorial on how to get the templates into Linea Sketch for the iPad, and don’t forget to tag your posts with #LineaSketch – we’ll be sharing our favorites over on Instagram. Get your Apple Pencils ready. October will be here before you know it!

The New Favicon

The SVG icon used for pinned tabs in Safari 9 presents unique challenges for web designers. Learn a few tips and tricks as we examine how we handled those challenges in our revision of the Iconfactory favicon.