It’s getting more and more difficult to stay up to date with friends and our favorite sources of news and information. There are so many different social networks and personal blogs these days that it’s a bit of a struggle keeping tabs on everyone and everything.
We think there’s a better way.
Today we’re launching a Kickstarter campaign for Project Tapestry: A new iOS app that aims to gather your most important social media services, RSS feeds, and other sources into a single universal timeline. All updates and posts together in one place, in the order they’re created, with no algorithm deciding what you should see or when you should see it.
Our goal is to use public Internet standards to gather the information you care about, and present it to you in one place, without a middleman and on your own device. This means that not only can the app collect posts from social networks with open APIs such as Mastodon or Bluesky, it could also include webcomics, posts from blogs, the latest photos from NASA, headline news, or anything else with an accessible feed.
It’s important to us that this project is supported by a community. Social products that are funded with venture capital, even ones with altruistic goals, eventually lose their way trying to keep investors happy. We don’t need to do it that way.
Our plan is to ship the first version this fall, but we won’t be able to do it without your support. Head over to our Kickstarter page for more details, backer levels, rewards, stretch goals (with additional features!), and more.
With your help, we can work together to make Project Tapestry a reality!