Craig and Ged have been invited as guests on The Unofficial Apple Weblog’s (TUAW) talkcast this Sunday night. We’ll be chatting up the latest version of Twitterrific, answering your burning questions and a whole lot more. If you’ve always wanted to hear Craig’s wonderful singing voice, or just find out what makes us tick, this is the web event for you. Swing by TUAW’s Talkshoe page and register and then stop by Sunday night at 10pm est for what’s sure to be an interesting chat-fest.
UPDATE: Fun was had by all at TUAW’s sunday night event. Topics ranged from the genesis of Twitterrific to how we got our start in icon design. Craig and Erica also touched on what to expect from the upcoming iPhone SDK and so much more. If you missed it, head on over to TUAW’s Talkshoe page and download the audio podcast. Our thanks go out to everyone at The Unofficial Apple Weblog for having us, it was a blast.