The Breakroom

Ged Talks Twitterrific with Apple Universe

March 23, 2008

By Webmaster

If you just can’t get enough of the Internet phenomenon that is Twitter, or are looking for the latest skinny on Twitterrific, then today’s your lucky day. This week, Ged sat down via Skype with the Apple Universe’s own Daniel Brusilovsky to answer a whole range of Twitterrific related questions. Ged provides insight on the software’s explosive growth, where we’re heading next and hints at upcoming goodies at the Iconfactory. The podcast of episode #110 is 22 minutes long and is now available at the Apple Universe website.

The New Favicon

The SVG icon used for pinned tabs in Safari 9 presents unique challenges for web designers. Learn a few tips and tricks as we examine how we handled those challenges in our revision of the Iconfactory favicon.