Those industrious bots are back with an update to our fast-paced puzzler, Frenzic: Overtime. Whizbot’s Test Lab Daily Challenge has received an upgrade to include all new exciting bonuses and strategies as you compete to be the top bot world wide. The Test Lab now also makes it easier to see the players immediately above and below your current rank on the leaderboard, and the bonus meter is personalized by displaying your player avatar from Game Center.
Finally, for those who want to kick back and build power cores at a bit more of a leisurely pace, Frenzic now offers the ability to toggle between Quick Pace and Casual Pace via Settings. Casual Pace means slower chip and shift timers as well as a less aggressive Cipher on Hacker Levels. Just don’t tell BossBot!
Head on over to Apple Arcade and enjoy the latest update to Frenzic: Overtime today!