The Breakroom

The official deadline to submit entries for this year’s Pixelpalooza contest has passed. A sincere thank-you goes out to everyone who entered this year, your creativity has helped to make Pixelpalooza 2003 a huge success! For all of those who do not see your entry posted on the contest pages, please be patient. Everyone who […]

Let Hollywood keep their Oscars, we’ve got pixels! Seems like only yesterday we were announcing the start of this year’s annual icon design contest, Pixelpalooza. Seven weeks later, we’re nearing the end, and that means that if you’ve not submitted your entry to this year’s contest, get yourself moving! To date, Pixelpalooza 2003 has garnered […]

R.I.P. John Crichton

March 21, 2003

Today is a sad day for fans of the cult science fiction television series, Farscape. Despite fan efforts to save the show, tonight marks the U.S. airing of the series finale on the Sci-Fi Channel and the factory workers are none too pleased about it. Arguably the best sci-fi show on TV today, Farscape dared […]

Yoroshiku Baby, Desuno!

March 15, 2003

We’re pleased to announce the release of our latest collection of icons based on a new anime series called Risky and Safety. Thinking that she can never see her boyfriend again, Moe Katsuragi’s despair summons a spunky soul collecting apprentice named Risky. Risky urges Moe to depart the mortal realm, leaving behind her precious soul […]

The Day of Anime

March 14, 2003

The planets of Japanese animation have somehow aligned today because in addition to the icon set mentioned below, we wanted to let everyone know that Mindy has released a really kick-butt desktop pict of one of our favorite characters from Evangelion. So get yourself in gear and check it out!

Tick Tock, Tick Tock!

March 13, 2003

That’s right folks, according to that ol’ calendar on the wall, there is less than three weeks left to enter this year’s Pixelpalooza Icon Design Contest. We’ve already received over 60 sets in this year’s three entry categories; OS X, CandyBar and Classic icons. With time running out, we expect the number of entries to […]

Warp Factor 9, Engage!

March 3, 2003

We’re pleased to announce the release of our latest freeware icon collection – Trek Insignia. Resident artist and confessed Trek fanatic, Ged Maheux, has faithfully re-created the logos affiliated with Starfleet as well as many of their better known enemies and allies including The Borg, The Dominion, The Klingons, the Vulcan IDIC and many, many […]

Announcing IconBuilder Pro 4.0

February 26, 2003

The Iconfactory is pleased to announce the release of version 4.0 of our professional icon construction filter for Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. IconBuilder Pro 4.0 boasts a wide range of new features that we are excited about, but the most important one is its support for Open / Drop folder states in Mac OS […]

We’re pleased to unveil the newly re-designed Iconfactory Showroom! The days of 32×32 Mac icons are slowly fading into the past, and with it comes a renewed focus on those 128×128 Mac OS X monster icons we’ve come to know and love. We hope the new design will make it easier for you to spot […]

With the U.S. holiday of Valentine’s Day right around the corner, our resident romantic, Dave, has whipped up a new set of OS X icons just for you! Send one of these Candy Valentine Hearts to your sweetie to convey a special message or decorate your desktop and get your Mac in the holiday mood. […]