The Breakroom

Frenzic Players Get Bragging Rights

April 18, 2007

By Webmaster


The online player community over at gets a big boost today with the addition of a new comment system. Now all registered users of Frenzic can communicate with each other via their official website player cards. Have you always wanted to know a player’s strategy but couldn’t ask? Now you can! Keep up with players of similar devotion levels, track feedback from friends or just socialize and have fun.

Frenzic is an exciting new puzzle-based game in the spirit of Tetris and Bejeweled that is taking the Mac community by storm. We hope you enjoy the updates we’ve made to as we strive to strengthen our player community. If you’ve not checked it out, we urge you to visit and find out why so many people are proud to call themselves addicted. Watch for more new and exciting features in the weeks and months ahead. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ve got to get back to sorting!

The New Favicon

The SVG icon used for pinned tabs in Safari 9 presents unique challenges for web designers. Learn a few tips and tricks as we examine how we handled those challenges in our revision of the Iconfactory favicon.