The Breakroom

Twitterrific 5.14.2 Improves Direct Messaging, Adds Keyboard Shortcuts & More

April 13, 2016

By Ged Maheux

Twitterrific Direct Messaging UI

With today’s launch of Twitterrific 5.14.2, the entire direct messaging interface has been re-designed and re-engineered to make sending and receiving direct messages via Twitter fun and easy. DM’s are now styled like classic chat conversations which means you can view photos and media in-line and follow the flow of a conversation more easily. The re-design lets you search for people to start a new conversation with and even delete entire existing threads quickly and easily with a swipe.

When you tap the Direct Messages tab in Twitterrific you’re now taken to the new Inbox view where you can quickly browse recent DM threads or start a new one. Prior to this update, Twitterrific users had to find a user profile and tap the email icon to initiate a direct message, but no longer. Simply tap the DM compose icon at the top of the mail box view then tap a recent person or search for a new user to message. Tap on an existing DM thread from the Inbox to continue a previous conversation or swipe left on it to mark it as read or delete it.

Version 5.14.2 also adds an extensive list of keyboard shortcuts for use with Twitterrific that make navigating and using the app with a keyboard a breeze. Simply hold down the command key on your physical keyboard to see a list of commands that are available. Keep in mind that commands are contextual so the list changes depending upon what view you’re currently looking at within Twitterrific. Visit the Twitterrific Knowledge Base for a full list of keyboard commands for use with iOS.

Keyboard Commands in Twitterrific

We’ve also included several accessibility improvements for voice over users, fine tuned readability for tweets in right-to-left languages when small thumbnail mode is enabled, and added the ability to view either a user profile or an associated tweet from the Today View. Tapping on the name of a Today view event opens the profile of the person, whereas tapping on the message text opens the tweet itself. We’ve also made the switch from completely relative time stamps like “2d ago” to “4/12/16 3:46pm”. Twitterrific still shows relative time stamps for tweets less than 24 hours old, but then shows absolute date info thereafter.

Finally, 5.14.2 includes some very important bug fixes including one that was preventing the timeline cache from clearing itself. Over time this slowed performance of loading new tweets and scrolling the timeline. We also squashed an annoying bug that could prompt the user for Twitter account authentication from time to time.

We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s new in version 5.14.2 so be sure to visit Twitterrific’s version history page for the complete list of new features, improvements and bug fixes. Twitterrific 5.14.2 is free to try via the App Store and is universal for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and iPod touch. Advanced features such as tweet translation, ad removal, and more are available via in-app purchase.

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