The Breakroom

Twitterrific 5.15 Improves Discussions, Retweeting & More

July 11, 2016

By Ged Maheux

Twitterrific v5.15 adds several new features and greatly improves the way discussion and reply threads are handled within the app. When selecting a tweet in the timeline, users will notice a new explicit Quote Tweet button. This replaces the previous behavior of tapping and holding on the Retweet button in order to quote. Giving Quoting its own icon on tweets has allowed the tap & hold gesture to take on a new, powerful aspect that users will multiple accounts will love.

Screen shot of a selected tweet showing the new explicit quote button

Now when you tap and hold any of the primary action buttons on a tweet (Reply, Quote, Retweet or Like) if you have multiple accounts set up, you are presented with an option to take that action from any account. Want to like a tweet in your current timeline but from another account? No problem, just tap and hold the Like button and then select the account you want to like it from. Users can still choose to reply or quote from any account directly from the compose screen by tapping on their round avatar and changing the active account, but this new gesture acts as a shortcut to bypass that step and reply or quote directly from the tweet itself.

The other important improvement in v5.15 pertains to how Twitterrific fetches and displays both reply and discussion threads. When you swipe left on a tweet to open its discussion Twitterrific now does a much better job of fetching the entire contents of that thread or reply chain. This comes in handy when viewing tweet storms or complex, in-depth discussions from multiple users and even works if the linked tweet was first, last or in the middle of a discussion. The new discussion view also now shows replies and quotes of the tweet in realtime if streaming is enabled.

Twitterrific 5.15 is free to try via the App Store and is universal for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and iPod touch. Advanced features such as tweet translation, ad removal, and more are available via in-app purchase. Visit Twitterrific’s version history page for the complete list of new features, improvements and bug fixes.

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