The Breakroom

Introducing Iconfactory Stickers

September 13, 2016

By Webmaster

Iconfactory Sunshine Smilies screenshot for iOS 10

Today we are proud to announce the availability of 15 Sticker Packs on the App Store for iMessage!

We’re pretty sure Stickers are going to be the breakaway hit of iOS 10, so what makes ours better than the rest? Besides having some of the best artists in the business, we’ve also taken the time and effort to pack a bunch of unique features into our apps:

  • Bonus Stickers – When you collect multiple packs you’ll find some surprises: some will display extra icons with special themes! It’s our way of saying thanks for your support.
  • Customized – Our packs include custom colors and titles that make them easy to spot when swiping. You can also tap the pack’s title to toggle labels and see what the artist named their sticky creations. Be sure to turn on the labels in Monster Microbes and Stickypoo for extra fun!
  • Roll The Dice – Feeling lucky? Some packs include a randomizer that chooses a Sticker for you. Ask Mystic 9-Ball any yes or no question then tap to see his prognostications. Randomly roll the 12-sided die in Tabletop RPG and see what fate has dealt you!
  • Bundles – If you want to collect them all, this is the cheapest and easiest way to go. Head on over to the App Store to learn more about Iconfactory Sticker Bundles.

To get a taste for our Stickers, get Sunshine Smilies and Stuck On — they’re both FREE to download!

We’re also pleased to announce we’ve recruited some of the industry’s most talented artists & illustrators to create exclusive Sticker packs just for you. Be sure to check out the incredible artwork from Brian Brasher, Andreas Eckberg and Von & Savannah Glitschka of Glitschka Studios.

Fans have been enjoying our fun desktop icons for over 20 years and now with the launch of iMessage Stickers, we’re pleased to bring our talents to bear on iOS. Collecting, pasting and playing with Stickers in Messages is truly fun and a great, quick way to convey emotion. Whether it’s hugging it out Dyno style with your bestie, putting a naughty friend on your poo list, or maybe even sending flowers in a Victorian love poem to your better half, you can stick with the Iconfactory!

To see all our packs and to learn more, check out the Iconfactory Stickers mini-site. We hope you have as much fun using these Stickers as we did creating them!

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