The Breakroom

Enter Tapestry

February 4, 2025

We’ve been making apps for decades and have acquired the skills to build all sorts of great things. But even talented teams can be challenged, and our latest product has been the hardest yet. I’m talking about Tapestry. It’s taken ten months since 3,369 folks agreed that the idea of putting all the things you follow […]

22 Years Later…

March 12, 2024

… iPulse is available on another platform! We released the first version of iPulse on a new operating system called Mac OS X in 2002. Our unobtrusive and stylish system monitor showcased the features of Apple’s new OS and was a hit. Now, two decades later, we’re happy to announce that groundbreaking product is coming […]

Tapestry Unwoven

February 6, 2024

It’s a bold claim to say you can make a universal timeline for the Internet. But you can. And we have. This post will explain the technology behind Project Tapestry and how we tested it as a prototype. We’ll keep this discussion at a fairly basic level: if you’re a web or app developer, you’ll […]

Two of our most popular developer tools were updated this week. It’s not just our website that’s getting the love! xScope Our primary focus with xScope version 4.7 was to update the screen recording code. Alerts in the Sonoma beta gave us pause and we noticed an increase in crashes with the older APIs. There […]

We’ve been working on a compatibility update for xScope on macOS Sonoma for the past few weeks. The current version has been fine through the beta release, so we’ve been making minor tweaks and adding some performance improvements – certainly nothing urgent. With last week’s release of macOS Sonoma 14.1 (on October 25th) things changed […]

Hot on the heels of a major new release, there’s a new version of Triode with two big new improvements. Our Internet radio app just keeps getting more perfect with Shazam and data management! Triode does its best to figure out what song is playing, but if you’ve ever been listening to a station without […]

WorldWideWeb 2.1

October 3, 2023

Our simple web server for developers continues to improve with version 2.1. In this update, we’ve implemented two new features that are often requested by PRO users. On macOS, we added support for a reverse proxy. This lets you use WorldWideWeb as a frontend web server for a backend development environment. In simpler terms, this […]

Announcing Triode 2 – a huge update to our popular Internet radio app. We’ve packed the new version with improvements, including new support for Shortcuts and Widgets, improved Siri and CarPlay support, and a ton of tweaks and refinements across iOS, macOS, tvOS, and CarPlay. Interactive Widgets Triode now sports two different types of iOS […]

New OS, New Apps!

September 15, 2023

Just a quick post to let you know about updates for our FREE Clicker and Now Playing Plus apps for both iOS 17 and watchOS 10. Clicker, our little counter with a thousands uses, gets two new features on iOS. The first is an interactive widget that lets you see and increment your count on […]

An Iconic Anniversary

September 6, 2023

The iMac recently had its 25 year anniversary. In 1998, the Iconfactory was still a toddler. Our first website launched just two years prior, but by the time the iMac appeared, we were on our third iteration. And that was enough time to figure out that folks loved customizing their computers. Especially the hard drive […]