The Breakroom

For several years, Twitterrific has been plagued by Core Data crash reports that I haven’t been able to figure out. It was so bad that nearly all of Twitterrific’s reports were from this framework. I knew I was doing something wrong, but didn’t know how to fix a problem I couldn’t reproduce. After lots of […]

A Plus for Us

March 26, 2019

Yesterday Apple announced they’re stepping into the games industry with a new subscription service called Apple Arcade. While we have dabbled with making games in the past, this news doesn’t currently affect our software business – but it may someday. Running a successful development company has never been easy, but over the years the rise […]

Our latest releases of Twitterrific bring video uploading, support for Twitter’s native mute functionality, and powerful new muffling capabilities to both iOS and macOS. It’s been a long time coming, but you can finally attach videos to tweets with Twitterrific! It couldn’t be easier – just tap the camera icon and pick a movie to […]

We’ve been missing Twitterrific on our Macs for a long time and we know we’re not alone. Today we’re announcing a plan to bring it back: Project Phoenix. After much consideration, we decided that the best way forward was to go back to the beginning. Rather than bending the long-neglected Twitterrific for Mac into a […]

The Iconography
of 'Alien'

The past, present, and sci-fi future come together as Dave Brasgalla explores iOS 7 and the iconography of 'Alien'.