The Breakroom

The workers have been re-discovering the joys of Classic OS 9 icons thanks to iChat and Pixadex. Using iChat AV and our newly released icon organization program, Pixadex, you can change your 32×32 buddy icons quicker than a New York minute. Some might call it a time waster, but we just call it fun. We […]

We’re pleased to announce this Tuesday’s freeware icon release comes from Iconfactory artist, Talos Tsui, and is based on the popular Japanese anime Gundam Mobile Suit. These ultra-cool icons reference the trading figures popular in Asia now and are perfect additions to any anime fan’s collection. Gundam Mobile Fortune is available today for Mac OS […]

Pixadex Updated to v 1.1

August 4, 2003

Panic and the Iconfactory have updated our newly released icon organization tool for Mac OS X, Pixadex, to version 1.1. This update addresses several commonly reported bugs including one that would cause problems on systems running in “thousands of colors”. In addition, Pixadex now fully supports the import and export of Mac-based .icns files, especially […]

We are pleased to announce the release of Clipper System, a set of freeware system replacement icons from IF resident artist, Gedeon Maheux. Clipper contains over 80 all-new icons for use with CandyBar, our popular system icon utility for Mac OS X. Clipper’s icons are simple and clean with open/drop states included for all folder […]

G5 Drives Arrive!

July 22, 2003

Apple’s newly-introduced G5 tower has everyone buzzing. The specifications are certainly enticing, but the first thing one notices is the sleek new metal enclosure. Dave Brasgalla has created a series of drive icons in the popular World Of Aqua style that draw their inspiration directly from this latest flexing of Apple’s industrial design muscle. G5 […]

We wanted let everyone know to watch for a whole bunch of new icons heading your way in the near future. We’ve got some really cool freeware icon collections coming down the assembly line, so keep your eyes peeled to the factory for more info. In the meantime have a great weekend!

Introducing Pixadex!

July 14, 2003

Panic and the Iconfactory, the creative team that brought you CandyBar, has teamed up once for Pixadex. Pixadex is to icons, what Apple’s iPhoto is to images, and more. Pixadex lets you quickly import, organize and search huge numbers of icons easily. The application stores all of your icons in a single place, organized into […]

Our own Foreman, Gedeon Maheux has taken part in an interview about the process of designing and producing icons over at If you are interested, hop on over and check it out. It provides some interesting information into just how we work here at the factory and what we go through to produce our […]

Just a quick note to let everyone know that CandyBar has been updated to version 1.5.3. Complete details of what’s new in this version can be found on the CandyBar homepage, but the main changes involve interoperability with our soon to be released software, Pixadex. Thanks to the talented group at Panic, these two programs […]

New Evangelion Desktop

July 10, 2003

Our own News Hound and Artist, Mindy, has released the latest desktop in her popular Evangelion series – Rei in Pastels. This bold picture makes a great addition to any anime fan’s computer desktop and is striking and yet subtle. Be sure to check out Mindy’s other graphic desktops based on the art of Neon […]