The Breakroom

A Special Feature

June 19, 2015

Over the years, we’ve been lucky to have a lot of products featured in Apple’s stores. Yesterday, we got the one we’re most proud of – Twitterrific’s inclusion in the most popular Voice Over apps on the App Store.

xScope and Apple Watch

April 24, 2015

xScope has been updated with support for Apple Watch in both the iOS and Mac App Stores.

Today we are very pleased to announce that Twitterrific 5.11 with Apple Watch support is now available in the App Store.

Help Wanted

July 10, 2009

As many of you have probably figured out, we love making iPhone applications. So much so, that we have more projects waiting in the wings than we have workers to assemble them. If you’re a kick-ass iPhone software developer who wants to work with some of the most talented designers in the industry, we’d love […]

WWDC and Thee

June 5, 2009

Amidst the ever-increasing cacophony of iPhone rumors, our attention turns once again to Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference in San Francisco, CA. Like the annual migration of swallows returning to San Juan Capistrano, Moscone Center calls to Mac geeks far and wide to congregate, party and oh yes, learn something. This year, the Iconfactory is […]

California here we come! It’s time once again for swimming pools and movie stars, or so we’d like to think. In reality its the annual pilgrimage to San Francisco’s Moscone Center for the gathering of geeks, coders and Mac faithful that is WWDC. Thanks to the massive success of Apple’s iPhone and the related SDK […]

One Month to Go! (hopefully)

January 28, 2008

We’re now only a month or so away from the release of Apple’s official Software Development Kit for the wildly popular iPhone mobile platform. Needless to say, we’re on pins and needles over here with anticipation. There was an interesting piece from Forbes this morning regarding the SDK that featured a quote from our friend […]

Yeah, Scratch That

August 20, 2007

Thanks to our ever-industrious Chief Typist, our previous report that none of the workers had hacked or modified their iPhones is now but a distant memory. If you follow Craig’s blog over at, then you know he’s broken into his iPhone like an otter cracks into a clam. We can blame the

Chickens and Eggs

June 8, 2007

As developers prepare for our week in San Francisco, many thoughts turn towards what we might see on Monday. Some are good, some are not. It’s no secret that we’re on the cusp of a major revolution in how UI is presented: resolution independence. But there’s a major problem with the adoption of this technology: […]

A quick note to let everyone know that our Chief Typist, Craig, has added a few new items to our Developer Zone page. The Developer Zone tries to answer some of the more technical questions you might have regarding icons, their behavior on Mac and Win as well as tips and tricks you might not […]