The Breakroom

Sometimes a design project can hit a roadblock and stall out – a point where for some reason it becomes difficult to leap over a certain potential solution in order to arrive at an even better one. Brushed Pixel came to us for help with this very situation. They had developed a solid starting point […]

Year In Review for 2019

December 19, 2019

As we once again close out the year, and decade, here at the Iconfactory, we’d like to reflect back on all our accomplishments and look forward to the next year. Our 23rd year in business was a mix of familiar favorites and exciting new ground, as we laid foundations for making a sustainable business in […]

A Plus for Us

March 26, 2019

Yesterday Apple announced they’re stepping into the games industry with a new subscription service called Apple Arcade. While we have dabbled with making games in the past, this news doesn’t currently affect our software business – but it may someday. Running a successful development company has never been easy, but over the years the rise […]

Advertising with Ollie

January 22, 2019

When it comes to online advertising, the big question has always been: how do I get the most bang for the least bucks? If you’re a small developer with a limited budget (like we are), then you’re accustomed to carefully picking and choosing how and where to promote your product to reach the widest possible […]

Dark Mode and CSS

October 25, 2018

Your browser doesn’t support video. Download to watch it in another app. The new Dark Mode in macOS Mojave provides users with a new way to customize their desktop environment. It also presents a lot of new situations where developers need to adapt content in their apps and websites. While these changes are currently limited […]

Twitter has updated their ever-expanding suite of custom emoji called Twemoji to include new entries that we helped create for social network’s website. This round of emoji were particularly fun to design since many of new items are centered around mythical beings such as wizards, elves and even zombies. Other examples of the new Unicode […]

Sweet Pea Mobile App

December 13, 2016

Michael Bruch, founder of Peas and Love Corporation, partnered with us earlier this year to create a new dating app focused on healthy relationships. His thesis was that a more humanized and enjoyable online dating experience would be possible if a platform focused on enabling self expression, encouraged interesting conversation, and fostered empathy between strangers. While lots of […]

October has arrived and with it comes our favorite holiday of the year – Halloween! We’ve been celebrating All Hallow’s Eve around these parts for as long as we can remember and this year we’re unearthing a new crop of spooky sticker packs for iMessage. With hundreds of frightful graphics plus iPhone wallpapers, these terrific […]

Last month we partnered with Twitter to publish an update to their Twemoji suite that covers a new set of expanded occupational and gender-based emoji. These additions were first suggested by Google to Unicode back in May of 2016 and since then they have been on track to be released with the official Emoji 4.0 […]

Stuck on Stickers

September 1, 2016

You’ve heard of Emoji and use them every day, right? Even an old fuddy-duddy like me has swapped out :-) for 😀. Something just as big is about to happen on iOS and they’re called “stickers.” When Apple touts them in the first sentence of the press release, it’s a pretty good sign of things […]