The Breakroom

Game of Thrones Folder Icons

April 16, 2019

By Ged Maheux

The macOS folder collection for Game of Thrones depicting major house sigils

This week marked the start of the final season of HBO’s epic fantasy adventure – Game of Thrones. We’re huge Thrones fans here at the factory and so it seemed natural to create our second set of macOS desktop icons centered around the saga. Our Patreon backers who have subscribed at the Hero level have been enjoying our first release, Captain Marvel, for a month and today we’re pleased to announce they have access to today’s Game of Thrones icons as well. They are also enjoying ep 002 of Pixelcast where Ged & Dave talk about designing wallpapers for Game of Thrones and our predictions for the finale.

These folders are a great way for fans of the series to customize the look of their macOS desktops or to simply enjoy as collector’s items. With only five episodes of Game of Thrones remaining, now’s the time to subscribe to our Patreon and enjoy these iconic folders emblazoned with the sigils of the major houses of Westeros. Don’t be left out in the cold, head to our Patreon and subscribe for this and more amazing, exclusive content every month!

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