The Breakroom

Twemoji Update Brings Mythical Beings & More

May 24, 2017

By Webmaster

Twitter Twemoji Unicode 10 examples - Zombie, Elf, Zebra and more

Twitter has updated their ever-expanding suite of custom emoji called Twemoji to include new entries that we helped create for social network’s website. This round of emoji were particularly fun to design since many of new items are centered around mythical beings such as wizards, elves and even zombies.

Other examples of the new Unicode 10 emoji include foods like the dumpling and pretzel, new animals like the zebra and hedgehog and new smilies like the exploding head and face vomiting. Twitter is among the first to publicly support these new emoji for its users.

The Iconfactory is pleased to be called upon to help Twitter bring these new additions to their social networking service. We’re also grateful to have the opportunity help craft the visual evolution of emoji in use around the world. We hope you enjoy exploring what’s new over at Emojipedia. You can also download the entire Twemoji suite via GitHub where all of Twitter’s emoji are available via an open source project or explore our previous Twitter emoji work over on our portfolio. Have fun emoji’ing!

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