The Breakroom

Still Little, Still FREE

February 18, 2025

It’s been busy around the factory of late. So busy, that a couple of our popular little apps that were updated over the Christmas holiday are just now being released! Clicker Folks who love counting will be happy to know that Clicker has some useful new features on watchOS: Added support for the Digital Crown […]

New OS, New Apps!

September 15, 2023

Just a quick post to let you know about updates for our FREE Clicker and Now Playing Plus apps for both iOS 17 and watchOS 10. Clicker, our little counter with a thousands uses, gets two new features on iOS. The first is an interactive widget that lets you see and increment your count on […]

Clicker 2.0

February 3, 2023

Back in 2015, we released our first watchOS app. Clicker is a simple app with a simple goal: a way to keep track of something important in your life using your Apple Watch. It’s been used by hundreds of thousands of customers. For me, Clicker kept me swimming in the ocean, for others the count […]

After three years and tens of thousands of downloads, we’re pleased to announce a new version of Clicker, our popular Apple Watch app. Finally! It’s a simple app that literally just increments and decrements a counter on your wrist, but that doesn’t mean there’s no room for improvement. The most obvious change is support for […]

A Clicker for your Ticker

October 13, 2015

It’s well documented that I love my Apple Watch and use it daily to keep track of my activity. While the built-in apps do a fantastic job of keeping track of your health, I wanted something different. One of the things I noticed early on was how a simple number like “Longest Move Streak” could […]