The Breakroom

Digital goodies just for you!

March 5, 2019

By Cheryl Cicha

Dragons Teeth WallpaperFor over 20 years The Iconfactory has been drawing icons, designing user interfaces, and building great software. We also used to create loads of free wallpapers and desktop icons just for fun, but we got busy and that tradition got lost. Before we knew it, years had gone by without any new freeware.

Let’s Do This Together
You’ve been telling us that you miss our fun releases – and we did too! Rather than sit around and reminisce, we decided it was time to do something about it. Introducing Iconfactory Patreon! Now, every month you can get social media icons, behind the scenes sneak peeks and previews, amazing wallpapers, and macOS icons for your desktop. Chat with us on Discord, get special offers, discounts on Iconfactory products and services, and custom-made goodies just for you. The fun is back! Become a Patron and come play with us!

The New Favicon

The SVG icon used for pinned tabs in Safari 9 presents unique challenges for web designers. Learn a few tips and tricks as we examine how we handled those challenges in our revision of the Iconfactory favicon.