The Breakroom

Tips for Great Service

June 1, 2018

With this week’s release of Linea Sketch, we added some important new features and improvements, but also something called a Tip Jar. You can open the Tip Jar from the Settings menu at any time, but you’ll probably only notice it when we deliver new features in the app. You’ll see an icon in the […]

We love color. As any designer will tell you, color plays a critical part in the creative process. Every single day, artists use color to set a particular tone for a project, evoke emotions or reinforce a specific brand. We’re pleased to announce the way you use color in Linea Sketch for the iPad is […]

Today’s latest release of Twitterrific for macOS includes new and important features for users with multiple Twitter accounts, adds verified & protected badges on avatars, incorporates a new font, and includes a range of bug fixes. This past week also marks the anniversary of Project Phoenix, the Kickstarter project that was the catalyst for Twitterrific’s […]

Birds of a Feather

January 11, 2018

Appearances Can Be Appealing

December 13, 2017

Today we’re releasing updates for both the macOS and iOS versions of Twitterrific that include a host of new features and improvements for Themes, Muffles, and much more. Key among these improvements is an updated Appearance panel that now includes new customizable avatar shapes and themes. Set user avatars to display as rounded rectangles, circles, […]

A Poll By Any Other Name

November 7, 2017

Today’s release of Twitterrific 5.2 for macOS adds a host of important features and improvements including the ability to quickly search for a user (CMD-U), restoration of Searches and Lists between launches, improved syncing of your reading position, and much more. It also contains a fun experiment in the form of automatic Twitter poll detection. […]


October 17, 2017

That’s right, it’s our favorite time of the year once again. Time when the air turns crisp, night time takes on a eerie vibe and the ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties come out to play. To celebrate, we’ve summoned the spooky Iconfactory design from its long slumber, complete with links to some of our […]

Today we’ve released an update to Linea that accounts for the new resolution of the new 10.5″ iPad Pro, improves tilt shading of the technical pencil, and more.

We’re pleased to announce that Linea, our elegant digital sketchbook, has been updated to version 1.1 and offers a range of new features including support for Apple’s iCloud. After launching the new version, Linea presents you with the option of enabling iCloud for your drawings. When enabled, sketches and projects become available across all of […]