The Breakroom
Category: Strategic Vision
Linea 2.8 and Beyond
December 2, 2019
Year in Review, 2018
December 13, 2018
Our own Ged Maheux was a guest on the iAccessVO podcast recently to discuss accessibility in Twitterrific and the upcoming Project Phoenix for the Mac. Hosts Brian Fischler and Ed Plumacher’s podcast is a great resource for the blind and those with vision loss that answers questions about how to use VoiceOver on your iPhone, […]
2016 Wasn’t All Bad
December 16, 2016
It’s been a hell of a year, no matter how you look at it. Luckily, it hasn’t been all bad and we’ve done some great things at the Iconfactory over the past 12 months! You might be tempted to call this the Year of Emoji, but to us, every year is the Year of Emoji. […]
Sweet Pea Mobile App
December 13, 2016
Michael Bruch, founder of Peas and Love Corporation, partnered with us earlier this year to create a new dating app focused on healthy relationships. His thesis was that a more humanized and enjoyable online dating experience would be possible if a platform focused on enabling self expression, encouraged interesting conversation, and fostered empathy between strangers. While lots of […]
We’ll Meet Again, Mr. Anderson!
July 17, 2015
Today we say farewell to our talented friend, developer and comic book aficionado, Tyler Anderson. We’ll miss him dearly but we wish him well on the next phase of his life’s journey!
Let Iconfactory Build Your Next App
February 23, 2015
The Iconfactory is now offering app development services to clients from direction and planning through visual and programmatic design to development, implementation and testing. We’d love to help your business succeed, get in touch!