The Breakroom

xScope 3.0.1 for Mac & Mirror 1.1 for iOS

February 1, 2012

By Webmaster

We’re pleased to announce the release of xScope 3.0.1 for Mac and xScope Mirror 1.1 for iOS, now available via the App Store or via the Check for Updates… option from the application menu.

This update fixes several key bugs including one that prevented color information from being pasted into apps like Adobe Photoshop and BBEdit. The 1.1 Mirror update adds robustness when the app scans your WiFi network for the desktop version and makes the connection much more reliable. If you’ve had problems connecting between xScope and xScope Mirror, be sure to download this update today. Visit the xScope history page for a full list of the changes in this release.

xScope 3 is available from Apple’s Mac App Store via their one-click ordering system. Ordering from the Mac App Store means there are no registration codes to keep track of and you get updates automatically. Version 3.0.1 is a free update to registered users of version 3 and is recommended.

Twitterrific 4.4.6 Improves Timeline Gaps

February 1, 2012

By Webmaster

We’re pleased to announce a small point update for Twitterrific, our popular Twitter client for the iPhone, iPad and Mac that makes several key usability improvements. Version 4.4.6’s most notable improvement is in the area of timeline gap handling. After long delays between refreshes, tweet gaps of several hours can appear in the timeline leaving holes that cannot easily be read. This latest version attempts to solve gaps by automatically loading the missing tweets for you, leaving you with a more complete picture of what’s being tweeted.

We’ve also added support for a 3rd party application called Summly. iPhone users who have Summly installed on their device can now tap and hold on a URL to have it sent to Summly and summarized into bite-sized chunks that are quick and easy to read. This works great for longer web articles when your time is at a premium. We hope you’ll check it out, we’ve found it quite handy.

The complete list of what’s new in Twitterrific 4.4.6 is available from the Mac and iOS version history pages, is a free update and recommended for all users of Twitterrific. Enjoy!

xScope Grid

January 26, 2012

By Webmaster

To help celebrate the overwhelmingly successful launch of xScope 3, our versatile toolbox for designers and developers, Corey has built a set of wallpapers for your Mac and iOS devices. Based on the grid pattern used in the app, the iOS Mirror tool and on the website these precisely aligned desktop pictures will sit quietly behind your windows as you design or code your next masterpiece.

For best results be sure to download optimized versions for iPad, all currently shipping Macs and a tile-able version for anything else from our files archive.

Introducing xScope 3.0

January 19, 2012

By Webmaster


The Iconfactory and ARTIS Software are pleased to announce xScope v 3.0. xScope is a powerful set of tools that you can use to measure, inspect and test on-screen elements. Version 3 has been redesigned for clarity, optimized for the latest Macs, and brings over 70 new features and improvements that are sure to make your job as a designer or developer easier.

Version 3 also adds a new tool called the Mirror. xScope’s Mirror tool constantly displays the contents of a specific Mac window on your iOS device. As you work on a Photoshop document or the iOS Simulator, what you see on your Mac is mirrored instantly onto the iPhone, iPod touch or iPad screen. Mirrored windows can be nudged and locked so that they always display on iOS even when re-positioned or placed under other windows. In addition, when mirroring a Mac window on iOS there is no chrome to get in your way or repetitive save actions to perform.

The Mirror tool requires a companion app that is a FREE universal download from the App Store. Be sure to check out our video demo of the Mirror tool in action for more information.

We encourage you to visit to read the complete list of what’s new, but here are just some of the other highlights version 3 has to offer:

  • Re-designed for increased usability and a fresh new look
  • SmartTools to automatically turn separate tools on or off
  • Preference to display the individual menubar tools as a single item
  • Edge snapping to position tools with on-screen content
  • Updated Screens sizes including iOS, Android, Mac, Windows & TV
  • Simulate user vision problems including color blindness and presbyopia
  • Many bug fixes and tweaks to improve performance
  • Many more features & improvements

xScope 3 is available from Apple’s Mac App Store via their one-click ordering system. Ordering from the Mac App Store means there are no registration codes to keep track of and you get updates automatically. In addition, we’re running a Mac App Store launch special – xScope is 30% off the regular price and available for just $19.99 for a limited time.

Free upgrades are available if you purchased a license after July 14th, 2011. A paid upgrade for purchases before that date is available for $19.99. Multi-user licenses can also be upgraded or purchased directly from our site.

We’re very excited about this release and encourage you to visit the xScope homepage today to download and test out this latest update to a program that we call our “swiss army knife” for designers and developers. Enjoy!

Year in Review for 2011

December 20, 2011

By Webmaster


The monitors are dim and the WACOM pens lay silent which means we’ve all headed out to spend some much needed time with our friends and families for the holidays. It also means it’s time once again to reflect on where we’ve been this past year, what we’ve accomplished and look forward to the road ahead.

Back in February of 2011, we released an all-new version 4 of our popular Twitter client Twitterrific to the Mac desktop. We were pleased to finally be able to bring a simple, consistent interface to the Mac from iOS and users flocked to the new version to give it a spin. Version 4’s release was made possible by the UI kit framework Chameleon created by Twitterrific’s lead developer Sean Heber. Chameleon itself was released as an open source project back in March and has continued to be expanded upon, improved and provides a way for iOS devs to easily port existing mobile projects to the Mac desktop faster than ever before.

March also saw the release of our most important software project of 2011 – Flare. Developed in conjunction with our partner ARTIS Software, Flare is a digital darkroom for your Mac that lets both amateur and professional photographers add visual punch to their images. The software took off in the Mac App Store and was our most successful software launch ever. We were honored when Apple recently named Flare in their Best of the Mac App Store 2011 recap and to help celebrate, we’re currently offering Flare for just $4.99 on the Mac App Store. 2012 holds continued development for Flare including new features, presets and more.

In June, we brought Tyler Anderson, a talented new developer, on board full time. Tyler is a graduate of North Carolina’s own Elon University and had previously interned with us to help produce Take Five for iOS and later for Mac. We were pleased when he accepted an offer and joined our team in June and has since helped with a number of projects including the upcoming release of Dine-O-Matic for iPhone which you’ll be hearing more about in the new year.

With all the time spend on software and client projects in 2011, there wasn’t very many hours left in the day for freeware releases unfortunately. We released a handful of icon collections and desktop pictures including Kraftwerk by Dave Brasgalla, Futurama Vol. 7 by Ged Maheux and fan favorites RB:02 System and Heroes and Villains from David Lanham. We hope to spend more time on freeware in 2012, we promise!

Speaking of 2012, watch for new versions of Twitterrific, Flare and perhaps most exciting of all, xScope. Our handy swiss army knife for designers and developers is about to take a huge leap forward with the release of v3 early next year. Of course we wouldn’t be where we are today without the continued support of you, our loyal visitors and fans. In an age when companies spring up, live and then die out just as fast as they were born, we’re still here pushing pixels, coding software and designing new things because of you. We hope you’ll join us again in 2012 to see what we have in store and in the meantime Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Ged Featured on Mac Iterate Podcast Ep 12

December 8, 2011

By Webmaster

This week podcast hosts Marc Edwards, Seth Clifford and Rene Ritchie invited Ged over to talk about a range of design related subjects in their latest episode of Iterate. The discussion was really fun and informative and the trio posed great questions about where we came from, our icon design process, how Twitterrific came into being and much more. If you’ve always wanted a peek behind the Iconfactory curtain, or hints at what’s next for us, head over to Iterate and check out ep. 12. We think you’ll really enjoy it.

IconBuilder 8.5.3 Adds Support for Large Icons in Lion

December 2, 2011

By Webmaster

Announcing the immediate release of IconBuilder 8.5.3 for use with Adobe Photoshop and Mac OS X. This latest update to our professional Photoshop & Fireworks filter for creating icons on the Macintosh, now fully supports large format (1024×1024) ICNS files displayed in Apple’s latest operating system – Lion. Designers & developers running Lion can now save out as well as import these high resolution icon resources seen in Mac OS X 10.7.

Also as a reminder, IconBuilder is compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS5 when Photoshop is placed in 32-bit mode. Simply get info on Adobe Photoshop in the Finder and check the “Open in 32-bit mode” under General Information in order to use IconBuilder with CS5. IconBuilder requires 32-bit mode in order to work with older icon file formats (like resource files) that are no longer supported on 64-bit systems. Once the 32-bit box is checked, the filter will function normally.

IconBuilder v.8.5.3 is available today for Mac OS X for $79.00 USD. Registered users of IconBuilder 8.5 are entitled to a free update.

Scary Monsters & Super Creeps

October 25, 2011

By Webmaster


There are monsters and then there are monsters. You know the ones we mean, the ones that froze your soul as a child and kept you up nights wondering if you’d still be alive when the sun came up. Now, Iconfactory artist Dave Brasgalla has brought some of these ghoulish fiends to life in an all new holiday freeware icon collection – Scary Monsters & Super Creeps.

This set is also special because it’s our very first set of icons to be created entirely on the iPad. Dave’s a huge fan of the incredible digital painting app Brushes, and has created some remarkable work with the software. When it came time for this icon set he applied his considerable talents crafting the icons you see here entirely in Brushes with just his fingertips. Who says you can’t create content on the iPad anyway?

We invite you to swoop over to the freeware page and download Scary Monsters & Super Creeps today. This chilling set of icons will give any Mac or PC desktop just the right touch of creepiness you’ve been looking for. Also available as a handy CandyBar iContainer for easy storage and sorting. Happy Halloween everyone!

Flare 1.2.1 Optimized for Lion

October 18, 2011

By Webmaster

We are pleased to announce that Flare, our popular Mac photo effects editing application, has been updated to version 1.2.1. This latest update brings several new features for users of Mac OS X Lion including full screen mode and auto-resume. With auto-resume you can quit Flare in the middle of experimenting on a photo and when you restart, the app picks up where you left off automatically. We’ve also added new aspect ratios when cropping images and fixed some important bugs.

Head on over to the Mac App Store to purchase Flare at the discounted price of just $9.99 or try it for free from If you love to tinker with Flare, don’t forget to post your creations to the ‘Made with Flare’ Flickr pool when you’re done. It’s your chance to show the world your images are only the beginning.

“It’s alive! ALIVE!”

October 11, 2011

By Webmaster


Few things around here get the old bones rattling and the blood pumping like Halloween does. Our favorite holiday is fast approaching and so the hordes of mindless thralls (sorry, we mean workers) have dug up the undead to help ‘redecorate’ the factory one more time.

Keep your eyes peeled (and we do mean peeled) in October for all new icon sets, scary new desktop pictures, and some tasty surprise tricks and treats. Be sure to keep visiting for the latest Halloween happenings in our News Links and don’t forget to visit our haunted staff page. Our employees have undergone their annual horrific transformations, so be sure to bring your silver bullets and holy water, you don’t want to miss a moment of the creepy, crawly fun.

Our month long tribute to all things All Hallow’s Eve begins today with the release of Invasion!, a new Futurama inspired desktop picture from Ged. This scene from last season’s classic episode The Late Philip J. Fry is reminiscent of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds and paints an all too familiar picture of a gigantic robotic invasion of New New York in the year 252525. Invasion! comes in two styles and is available for your computer desktop or as a fun iPhone wallpaper today. Head on over to the freeware page to fend off these mechanized harbingers of doom… and by “fend off” we mean, download the freebie wallpapers today.

We hope you’ll stay tuned for everything emerging from the lab in the weeks ahead. Fun stuff is in store so enjoy the creepy new Iconfactory, and Happy Halloween everyone!