The Breakroom

Tot Summer Sale

June 24, 2024

Summer’s here! Stay cool by keeping things simple with Tot, our elegant and streamlined text editor for notes, to-dos, and so much more. Tot’s single window design and simple formatting controls mean no more hunting for that chunk of important text. Tot’s already FREE on macOS, but now the iOS version is on sale at […]

Our last release of Tot introduced a new feature called Smart Bullets. These special bits of text made it easy to create lists where you could check off items. (Check out “What’s New?” in the app help and you’ll get a quick demo.) One shortcoming with Smart Bullets was that you needed a mouse to […]

Now through August 31st, we’re offering a 30% discount on two of our most popular productivity tools – Tot for note takers and xScope for designers and developers. Saving a bit of cash is always welcome, even if you’re not a student, so be sure to head to the App Store to pick up Tot […]

Tot, our tiny text companion, makes a lot of folks happy. But with any product, there are always requests for new features. In version 1.4, we’re happy to announce that we tackled our top two requests! Smart Bullets A lot of folks, including your humble developers, use Tot for lists. It’s a quick, easy, and […]

Our wildly popular app, that manages bits of text simply and efficiently, has been updated to version 1.3. The biggest news in this release of Tot is the addition of Shortcuts on macOS and iOS. Tot’s shortcut actions are as simple as the app itself: Get the text from any one of the dots Set […]

Tot’s Got Your Back

January 12, 2022

We’re pleased to announce the immediate availability of Tot 1.2.4 on macOS. Besides the normal bug fixes and minor improvements, there’s a feature we hope you never have to use: Automatic Backups. Tot now makes sure you have a copy of your notes stored on the local disk as well as in iCloud. Backups are […]

Toys for Tot

May 28, 2020

We’re happy to announce a new version of Tot with some features frequently requested by the app’s legion of fans. The main focus of today’s release are system extensions that allow Tot to co-exist with other apps. To this end, we’ve added a Sharing extension for both iOS and macOS. Additionally, there’s also a widget […]

Today we’re happy to announce the release of Tot 1.0.5 for both iOS and macOS. If your eyes work well, there’s not a lot to get excited about. But folks with vision difficulties will have a wholly different outlook. The initial releases of Tot didn’t have great accessibility. We knew it needed improving, but experience […]


February 28, 2020

As an icon designer who’s worked in the field for over 25 years, I’ve pretty much seen it all, and then some. So when a chance comes to do something not only new, but totally unique, I jump at the design challenge. Introducing Tot’s dynamic app icon! One of the most fun features of our […]

You have text. Lots of text. A screen full of digital stickies. Your notes app. That scribbled-on napkin tucked in your jacket pocket (you forgot about that, didn’t you?). Tot is here to help. It’s an elegant, simple way to collect and edit text across your Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Use Tot for jotting down […]