The Breakroom

Let’s face it, it’s a struggle to get attention in 2018. Users wage a constant battle for eyeballs in the ever-widening war of compelling content versus fake news and funny memes. One of the ways people stand out from the pack is to employ Emoji and special characters in their names. Scroll through your Twitter […]

Time flies when you’re having fun. Today marks the tenth anniversary of the App Store. Of course there are a lot of people celebrating this event besides the factory workers. I was honored to be a part of the Appstories podcast where James Thomson and I chat with John Voorhees and Federico Vittici about those […]

Favicons. Finally.

June 7, 2018

If you’re one of those people that got excited by Safari screenshots in macOS Mojave sporting favicons in tabs, we’ve got some good news: you can have them right now in the Safari Technology Preview. And you don’t even have to pronounce it fav-ah-con. But there’s more to the new feature than you might think. […]

Tips for Great Service

June 1, 2018

With this week’s release of Linea Sketch, we added some important new features and improvements, but also something called a Tip Jar. You can open the Tip Jar from the Settings menu at any time, but you’ll probably only notice it when we deliver new features in the app. You’ll see an icon in the […]

We love color. As any designer will tell you, color plays a critical part in the creative process. Every single day, artists use color to set a particular tone for a project, evoke emotions or reinforce a specific brand. We’re pleased to announce the way you use color in Linea Sketch for the iPad is […]

A little over a year ago we introduced Linea, an elegant yet powerful digital sketchbook for the iPad. Today we’re pleased to announce a major update that introduces a bevy of new features that users have been craving. These additions, along with some solid improvements, are all designed to make drawing on your iPad even […]

Whether you’re a developer who’s working on mobile apps, or just someone enjoying the millions of apps available for your phone, today is a very special day. It’s the ten year anniversary of the original iPhone SDK. I don’t think it’s an understatement to say that this release changed a lot of people’s lives. I […]

Birds of a Feather

January 11, 2018

Twitter has updated their ever-expanding suite of custom emoji called Twemoji to include new entries that we helped create for social network’s website. This round of emoji were particularly fun to design since many of new items are centered around mythical beings such as wizards, elves and even zombies. Other examples of the new Unicode […]