The Breakroom

Year In Review for 2019

December 19, 2019

As we once again close out the year, and decade, here at the Iconfactory, we’d like to reflect back on all our accomplishments and look forward to the next year. Our 23rd year in business was a mix of familiar favorites and exciting new ground, as we laid foundations for making a sustainable business in […]

Proposed Anti-Bullying Emoji

November 8, 2019

We are honored to be a part of an effort to make social media a kinder experience. Over the years we’ve designed thousands of emoji for clients such as Twitter, Facebook, and many others. When parliamentary candidate and former Secretary of State Penny Mordaunt approached us to create new emoji to support her anti-bullying campaign, […]

Sticky Treats for Halloween

October 7, 2019

The days are growing shorter and the leaves on the trees have started to fall which can only mean our favorite holiday isn’t far away – Halloween. Anyone who’s visited the Iconfactory knows how much we absolutely love this spooky season. The Iconfactory website has once again undergone its annual transformation to reflect our love […]

Today we are proud to release Twitterrific 6.0 for iOS! This is one of the biggest updates of Twitterrific ever, representing over 50 bug fixes and improvements as well as a ton of new features. We’re very excited to get all of this amazing stuff we’ve been working on for so long onto your device […]

This year at the Iconfactory was an especially busy place and much of that was because of you. Thanks to your support, we were able to bring a fine feathered friend back from the ashes. We also launched exciting new products and helped clients around the world expand their Emoji and icon offerings. The year […]

Twitter has updated their ever-expanding suite of custom emoji called Twemoji to include new entries that we helped create for social network’s website. This round of emoji were particularly fun to design since many of new items are centered around mythical beings such as wizards, elves and even zombies. Other examples of the new Unicode […]

Last week Apple released a new TV commercial touting stickers in iMessage. Two of the (many) stickers featured in the spot are from the Iconfactory’s very own Route 66 sticker pack we released late last year. The commercial takes a fun, energetic approach to the world of stickers and shows people running and slapping stickers […]

2016 Wasn’t All Bad

December 16, 2016

It’s been a hell of a year, no matter how you look at it. Luckily, it hasn’t been all bad and we’ve done some great things at the Iconfactory over the past 12 months! You might be tempted to call this the Year of Emoji, but to us, every year is the Year of Emoji. […]

Stickers have taken the App Store by storm and today we’re pleased to announce there’s a new pair of besties you’ll be dying to download. Mallow & Puddin’ is an adorable collection of fun-filled stickers (and a fun iPhone wallpaper) that are the perfect antidote to boring chats. Created by artist Savannah Glitschka, these lovable […]

Last month we partnered with Twitter to publish an update to their Twemoji suite that covers a new set of expanded occupational and gender-based emoji. These additions were first suggested by Google to Unicode back in May of 2016 and since then they have been on track to be released with the official Emoji 4.0 […]

The Iconography
of 'Alien'

The past, present, and sci-fi future come together as Dave Brasgalla explores iOS 7 and the iconography of 'Alien'.