The Breakroom
Category: Miscellaneous
An Honor Just To Be Nominated
November 10, 2004
We’re proud to announce that two Iconfactory software products have been nominated for the 2004 MacUser UK Reader Awards. xScope and IconBuilder are both nominated in the Software category under Graphic Utilities and are up against the excellent image capture utility, Snapz Pro from Ambrosia Software. The awards ceremony will be held in London, England […]
Another Halloween Come and Gone
November 1, 2004
The ghosts and goblins have returned to their place of rest and kids everywhere are coming down from their sugar highs. Yep, Halloween is over once again and now our attention turns towards the end of the year and two other of our favorite holidays. We hope you enjoyed our spooky make-over this year and […]
The Curse That Halloween Forgot
October 28, 2004
Pigs are flying, hell has apparently frozen over and the Curse of the Bambino is, appropriately enough, history. Yes, the Boston Red Sox beat the St. Louis Cardinals to win the 2004 Championship World Series last night, something that generations of fans have not seen since 1918. The Iconfactory workers (especially the Foreman and the […]
Pixelpalooza On Hiatus
October 22, 2004
We wanted to take a moment and let our visitors know that we’ve decided not to hold our annual icon design contest, Pixelpalooza, this year. The contest continues to be a success each year it is held, but it also represents huge amounts of work for the factory employees. So, we’ve decided to take a […]
A New Treat for Halloween – CandyBar 2.0, No Tricks!
October 7, 2004
CandyBar, everyone’s favorite Mac OS X utility for customizing system level icons, has just been updated to version 2.0! This major update includes several of the most frequently requested features from our users, including the ability to customize the icons of installed applications as well as their associated toolbar and document icons, quick customization of […]
CandyBar Updated to 1.6.5
August 12, 2004
Panic and The Iconfactory have updated our popular icon customization tool, CandyBar, to version 1.6.5. This version is fully qualified for use with the newly released Mac OS X 10.3.5 and is a free upgrade for registered users. We invite users to head on over to the CandyBar homepage to download the update and replace […]
Well Wishes For the Founder and Family
August 3, 2004
Just a quick note to ask visitors to keep Corey and family in their thoughts these next few days. Why is that you ask? The Marion Family left for their bi-annual vacation last Sunday, which, under normal circumstances would be a cause for celebration. Except that their vacation destination, as it is every year, is […]
Presenting Max Rudberg
July 20, 2004
We’re pleased to announce that Mac theme and GUI artist, Max Rudberg, has completed his very first OS X icon set. Some of you may know Max from the accomplished theme work he’s done for the platform. What you may not know is that Max has been working as an intern in the Iconfactory / […]
Stack Those Raw Pixels Over There
July 7, 2004
Just a quick note to let everyone know that we will be shutting the factory down tomorrow as we move our pixel-pushers over to the brand new factory floor. If all goes well we will restart the assembly line over the weekend just in time to produce our latest icon set for next Tuesday’s release. […]
Kudos to Panic!
June 30, 2004
The word out of WWDC this morning is that our good friends over at Panic have picked up two prestigious Apple Design Awards for their ground-breaking work on Unison. The Usenet news reader application won Runner-Up for Best Mac OS X Product as well as 1st place for Best Mac OS X Experience. While we’d […]