The Breakroom

Started by illustrator and animator Jake Parker in 2014, Inktober encourages artists, amateurs and professionals alike, to express themselves every day during the month of October. Each day people craft a sketch or drawing based on the day’s creative prompt in their favorite artistic mediums, be they analog or digital. Back in 2019 and again in 2020, we […]

Last month’s announcement was a long time coming. Frenzic on macOS was introduced 14 years ago. For players on iOS, it was a mere 13 year wait. Our First Wait The long delay shouldn’t have come as too much of a surprise: the development history of Frenzic is full of waiting for the right moment. […]

Making Music for Robots

June 28, 2021

Frenzic: Overtime is the fast-paced sequel to the original game which first debuted thirteen years ago. Everything about this new title has been propelled far beyond the original – including the soundtrack music which is streaming now on Apple Music and Spotify. When I created the original music for Frenzic, I’d been a casual GarageBand […]

WhatsApp Emoji Suite

July 15, 2020

The Iconfactory has been working hand-in-hand with the talented team at WhatsApp since 2017 to craft thousands of expressive icons in the form of custom emoji for their popular mobile messaging application. The project has involved the design, refinement and production of over 3,000 unique emoji spanning Unicode 10, 11, 12 and the recently announced entries […]

Today we’re happy to announce the release of Tot 1.0.5 for both iOS and macOS. If your eyes work well, there’s not a lot to get excited about. But folks with vision difficulties will have a wholly different outlook. The initial releases of Tot didn’t have great accessibility. We knew it needed improving, but experience […]


February 28, 2020

As an icon designer who’s worked in the field for over 25 years, I’ve pretty much seen it all, and then some. So when a chance comes to do something not only new, but totally unique, I jump at the design challenge. Introducing Tot’s dynamic app icon! One of the most fun features of our […]

The Swipe Stuff

December 13, 2019

For many years, Twitterrific on iOS used a relatively simple custom presentation for modal popup views such as conversation threads and profiles. With the release of iOS 13, Apple changed the design of standard modal popup views to have a more card-like appearance and behavior. With this change, our custom popups still worked, but they […]

Proposed Anti-Bullying Emoji

November 8, 2019

We are honored to be a part of an effort to make social media a kinder experience. Over the years we’ve designed thousands of emoji for clients such as Twitter, Facebook, and many others. When parliamentary candidate and former Secretary of State Penny Mordaunt approached us to create new emoji to support her anti-bullying campaign, […]

It’s Hip to Be Square!

September 6, 2019

Back in the day all of us here at the Iconfactory lived, ate, and slept customization. If there was a way to change the appearance of something on our desktops, from icons to wallpapers and even the Mac’s overall look and feel, we forged ahead and changed it. Indeed, we built our early business around […]

It’s clear that this year’s WWDC is going to be a doozy. We’ve written here previously with our thoughts about Dark Mode, now it’s time to talk about iOS apps coming to the Mac. Of course I’m talking about Marzipan, a technology Apple introduced with few details during last year’s Keynote. We knew that some […]