The Breakroom

Another day, another set of revelations. We’ve almost reached our destination, so let’s get going! Tooling Problems SwiftUI and the cross-platform frameworks you will be using are either: A new thing with bugs and rough edges — and quickly evolving. An old thing with decades of legacy — and unlikely to change. You will have […]

It’s day two of our epic journey from iOS to macOS. Let’s get started with everyone’s favorite topic. Ugly Code In every app, there’s code you hate writing, but do it anyway. Shipping is better than perfection! Here are our less-than-proud moments in Wallaroo for the Mac: Handling URLs SwiftUI’s default mechanism for handling URLs […]

Last September we released a completely new app that makes getting wallpapers on your devices a breeze. Wallaroo was written entirely in SwiftUI. We learned a lot writing it and Sean Heber spent five days covering the highlights. But this initial release was only available on iOS. From the get go, we had planned on […]

Ever since we launched Wallaroo for iOS back in September of 2022, people have been rediscovering the joy of custom wallpapers. Wallaroo makes it easy to explore, discover, and set the hundreds of wallpapers our artists have created over the past few years, with new creations added each week. Now Wallaroo brings everything you love […]

Clicker 2.0

February 3, 2023

Back in 2015, we released our first watchOS app. Clicker is a simple app with a simple goal: a way to keep track of something important in your life using your Apple Watch. It’s been used by hundreds of thousands of customers. For me, Clicker kept me swimming in the ocean, for others the count […]

Masto-do or Masto-don’t?

January 27, 2023

Let’s just say that January 12th was expected, yet still surprising. We knew the cutting and slashing at Twitter would affect us at some point, but how we’d get eviscerated was an unknown. Many other people saw it was coming as reality began to sink in at the end of October. We’ve been asked, countless […]

Announcing Linea Sketch 4.2

January 24, 2023

Today’s Linea update brings several new and exciting features designed to give you more options while sketching and when moving images into and out of the app. Version 4.2 also includes a bevy of improvements that reduce friction when transforming artwork, provide new and updated templates, and much more.  The Nitty Gritty Linea’s new Organic […]

Twitterrific: End of an Era

January 19, 2023

Twitterrific has been discontinued. A sentence that none of us wanted to write, but have long felt would need to be written someday. We didn’t expect to be writing it so soon, though, and certainly not without having had time to notify you that it was coming. We are sorry to say that the app’s […]

State of the Twitterverse

January 13, 2023

Last night at about 7:30pm PST, Twitterrific customers started reporting problems accessing Twitter via the iOS app. News quickly spread on Twitter and Mastodon that a wide range of third party apps like Twitterrific, Tweetbot, Echofon, and many others had been disabled. Strangely, Twitterrific for macOS continues to work normally. We cannot say for certain […]

The Year In Review for 2022

December 16, 2022

More than any other year in recent memory, 2022 brought big changes—some good, some bad, and some sad. During our 25 years in business we’ve learned to roll with all manner of punches and continue forging ahead. This year was no different.  Old Friends This year brought a string of notable updates to some of […]