The Breakroom
Author: Craig Hockenberry
A Revolutionary New Feature for Notchmeister
May 23, 2023
We’re proud to announce that version 1.0.4 of Notchmeister is now available to download. And with it comes a revolutionary new feature called Fusion Dice. They spin. You can click on them, too. Fusion Dice are the perfect accompaniment to a never-ending video conference—you’re looking right into the camera while clicking the time away! And […]
WorldWideWeb for PROs
May 16, 2023
WorldWideWeb, our simple web server for iOS and macOS, has been a hit with developers. It’s another case of us scratching our own itch and finding out there are lots of folks who need to do the same thing! Of course, people who rely on an app also start asking for features. One feature that […]
Wallaroo: A Journey from iOS to macOS (Part 3)
March 24, 2023
Another day, another set of revelations. We’ve almost reached our destination, so let’s get going! Tooling Problems SwiftUI and the cross-platform frameworks you will be using are either: A new thing with bugs and rough edges — and quickly evolving. An old thing with decades of legacy — and unlikely to change. You will have […]
Wallaroo: A Journey from iOS to macOS (Part 2)
March 23, 2023
It’s day two of our epic journey from iOS to macOS. Let’s get started with everyone’s favorite topic. Ugly Code In every app, there’s code you hate writing, but do it anyway. Shipping is better than perfection! Here are our less-than-proud moments in Wallaroo for the Mac: Handling URLs SwiftUI’s default mechanism for handling URLs […]
Wallaroo: A Journey from iOS to macOS (Part 1)
March 22, 2023
Last September we released a completely new app that makes getting wallpapers on your devices a breeze. Wallaroo was written entirely in SwiftUI. We learned a lot writing it and Sean Heber spent five days covering the highlights. But this initial release was only available on iOS. From the get go, we had planned on […]
Clicker 2.0
February 3, 2023
Back in 2015, we released our first watchOS app. Clicker is a simple app with a simple goal: a way to keep track of something important in your life using your Apple Watch. It’s been used by hundreds of thousands of customers. For me, Clicker kept me swimming in the ocean, for others the count […]
WorldWideWeb Wows
June 24, 2022
WorldWideWeb, our FREE app for running a simple web server has struck a chord with developers and other folks who work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Even the discerning individuals at Hacker News had nice things to say about it! Today we’re happy to announce an update for both macOS and iOS. The main improvement […]
WorldWideWeb, Part II
June 2, 2022
The Mac and Web have a long history together. From the very beginning, Mac OS X included the ability to run an Apache web server by clicking a Start button: About a decade ago, things started to change. Since then it’s gotten harder and harder to start a simple web server for testing HTML, CSS, […]